Within homeopathy we see various causes that can influence the healing process. In addition to lifestyle components such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, etc., we also look at possible blockages that can arise due to old and unrecognized blockages within the family system. We often carry the burden of unresolved trauma from our parents and even ancestors.
A constellation can help to illuminate and clarify those old patterns and bring them to the surface. You will often see connections between you and people you didn't know you had. (For example, consider an unborn sibling who was never talked about). You will also realize the role of the 'play' everyone has played within the family system, which can bring a tremendous sense of compassion and deep healing.
For several years now, my colleague Silvia Sedoc and I have been working together in what we call 'homeopathic constellations'. Silvia has been working in the field of system constellations for many years and has extensive experience with different working methods. Including the systemic work of Franz Ruppert, who mainly focuses on pre- and post-natal trauma around birth.
In principle you can come and work with all your questions. Whether it's a question about your family, a work situation or questions like 'Where am I in my life and where am I going?'
In our form of constellation, there are no other people involved. We work 1:1 with you (and possibly your partner if you wish) and everything that happens within that field is confidential.
While Silvia is in charge of the setup itself, as a homeopath I resonate with what is happening in the Field and study the homeopathic remedies that are emerging. These can sometimes be homeopathic remedies that are indicated for, for example, a parent, a child or an ancestor. The remedies that come up will be used in the setup and we can see healing taking place at that time.
From these remedies we ultimately choose what the client will take himself. The agent acts as a kind of catalyst that enhances and anchors the effect of the arrangement. As a result, the constellation continues to work even deeper and longer and it supports the transformation process.
If you would like more information or book a set-up with us, you can contact us via info@insighthomeopathy.nl or the contact form.